Codeigniter 3.x.x and PHP 7.x.x session lost while redirect

We have developed one web application with codeigniter 3.1.1 and php 5.6.
After two years we upgrade server php version to 7.3.
After upgrading this when we try to login it gets logged in and data is stored in session, but after data storing we redirecting to
dashboard and while this redirecting it lost session data, We need to spend time to find out the issue.
Finally we got solutions for the same, We need to upgrade Session library as per the following
Go to system/libraries/Session/session.php at Line no 281 and
replace ini_set(‘’, $params[‘cookie_name’]); by ini_set(‘’, $params[‘cookie_name’]);

Codeigniter 3.x.x and PHP 7.x.x session lost while redirect

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